Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Birthday Party Planning Tips

When planning the big day for your child’s birthday party many people believe this is a very stressful event! We would like to give you a step by step guide on how to reduce the stress when planning a birthday party or special event!

1.      Event Date – This is easy. Most birthday parties occur the Saturday or Sunday before or after the child’s birthday. By having the event on the weekend it will allow for more of their friends to attend. Having a mid-week birthday party will create more stress. Also many people will not be able to attend because other obligations. (Work, sports, church, etc.) 

2.      Choose a venue – Most parents chose to have the party at their house because it’s free and easy! There are other types of venues available in our area. We have a lot of great/clean parks in our area and pavilions can be reserved at a minimal cost.  Pavilion rentals are common for people living in apartments or small houses.

3.      Theme - After you have chosen the event date next is to determine what type of theme birthday party your child wants. You can simply ask your child what type of theme they want or make suggestions based on what they like to do or watch. TV shows are common birthday themes (Dora, Princess, Sports, Pirate). Having these types of themes will make it easier for you to decorate, since decorations can be found at your local party store.

4.      Invite the guests - Now you have your event date, venue, and theme it is time to send out invitations to your party. We recommend sending out invitations 2 weeks in advance. This will allow your guest to make arrangements to be at your party. Also another great idea instead of sending out invitations is creating a Facebook event for your party. You are probably Facebook friends with your guest, so creating an event can get immediate feedback on who will be coming.

5.      Plan you entertainment – Many parents to choose inflatables for the party entertainment because it can please all the kids at once. They can bounce or slide all day long without having to take a break. You can plan a bounce house rental Fort Walton Beach today! Another option for entertainment is lawn games (pin the tail on the donkey, water balloon war, scavenger hunt, and much more). Face painting has recently become popular for birthday parties, but you will still need other entertainment because once their face is painted its painted. We recommend scheduling your entertainment at least two weeks early. This will allow you the best selection of options!

6.      Food – This is easy! What does every kid want for every meal? PIZZA! Contact your local pizza place one day or the day before the party and tell them you would like to place a large order of pizzas for carry out or delivery. Give them the date and time you would like to get the pizza delivered or picked up. Don’t forget about drinks for your guest. We recommend getting some 2 liter soda’s for the adults that will be attending your party and Capri Suns or other box drinks for the kids. The others you will need are coolers, ice, plastic cups, paper plates, napkins, and forks. Pick up these items the week before your party when you make your weekly grocery store run. By picking up items the week before you give yourself time to find something else if they are out of a certain item.

7.      Party Day – It’s time to party! Ice the drinks that you purchased earlier in the week in the morning time, pick-up the pizza at the prearranged time you scheduled with the local pizza place, your Niceville inflatable rentals should be delivered at the time you requested (if you opted for lawn games or carnival games then they should be put together the day before the party). You have everything you need accept the guest you invited! It’s time for your child to enjoy their special day!

We hope this seven step guide to planning a successful party will help you when you are planning your next birthday party! If you think we missed something or have recommendations to make our list better please leave us a comment and we may add them to our list! Happy Birthday Planning